
Welcome to the intelliMed (iM) Lab website. The intelliMed (iM) is led by Alabi Rasheed as part of his Ph.D research activities at the University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland. The activities of lab is mainly supervised by Prof. Mohammed Elmusrati (Head of Digitalization Program, School of Technology and Innovations, University of Vaasa, Finland). The lab is aimed at using the concept of artificial intelligence in medical applications. That is, creating an intelligent medical (iM) diagnostic tool. The lab works closely with the Oral Cancer Research group of the University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland which has a group of highly enthusiastic researchers and professors with strong expertise in different areas relevant to oral cancer and prognostic markers. The lab is involved in a number of research projects such as oral tongue cancer, machine learning application: organs-on-a-chip in parallel, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in biotechnology, machine learning in drug discovery to mention but a few.

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